subclassed weapon and pickbestweapon

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hi, just subclassed the rocket launcher and put only that type of launcher in my map, works pretty well except that if i get any other weapon first then hitting my ChooseBestWeapon or whatever the key binding is won't switch to the rocketlauncher, although it will if i pick up the launcher first, and hitting "9" always gives it to me, as does rolling the mousewheel forward (for nextweapon i guess).

This isn't a mod or mutator, am hoping there's something i can do in the subclassed eightball that will let ChooseBestWEapon work ... ??

Later i try making the two eightball types coexist in the map, but i'm not sure about that yet, or how to handle it.


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
This is handled in Engine.Weapon. If you like you can download Rockets UT / Enhanced Items / Arena Match (see sign) and look into EnhancedItems.EnhancedWeapon.SetSwitchPriority() to see how to use another weapon's priority. (warning! much code)